Lacor Hospital in FY 2003/4 became an official University Teaching Site for Gulu University Faculty of Medicine. A second renewed Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Gulu University authorities in June 2007 spelling areas of cooperation in terms of infrastructure, services and technical needs. Specialist doctors and Medical Officers from Lacor Hospital are involved in the teaching of medical students. They are also members of Gulu University Medical Faculty Board, which plans the operations of the faculty. Lacor medical director is designated as the Honorary Faculty Dean and is responsible for coordinating the university activities within Lacor Hospital. The first group of medical students have qualified in June 2009 with 7 admitted for their internship at Lacor. A new teaching block to be used by Gulu University for teaching purposes has been constructed by Lacor Hospital and it has been handed over to authorities of Gulu University for free use.
Gulu University student population, FY 2008/09